Friday, March 13, 2009

School Council

What is a school councillor?
A school councillor is someone who helps to make the school a better place to be In.
What do you do in your meetings?
At the moment in our meetings we are disusing making our school more inviting to parents and children.
At our meetings we discuss different ideas, for example improving our adventure playground.
After our meetings we talk about the stuff with our classmates and ask them for more ideas to talk about in our meetings.
We have many more meetings and ideas to come

Whitney B
Tiana M

Miss Sloan and the Peer Mediators

Sarah and Henrietta have had an interview with Miss Sloan about the Peer Mediators

SB: What do you think of this year’s Peer Mediators?
MS: So far so good all have been very keen and organised!

SB: Do you think that the Peer Mediators are off to a good start?
MS: yes Excellent start

SB: How hard was it to pick the people and turn down 7?
MS: Extremely hard in some ways, But I new that I wanted other people for other jobs

SB: Do you think that the peers will work well together or will you have to change some of them?
MS: They will work together. I will change peers each term to mix people up.

SB: Why did you start up peer mediation?
MS: Because it is a good way for our seniors to be seen as leaders but also to learn how to solve problems and think differently.

The New Landscaping

The landscaping is making a better entrance at our school. They have drawn a lot of attention from the teachers and students.

Here are some opinions.
Max S says “It’s going to be good for the bus people because they can wait outside the gate and it will also look better.”
They are working at good pace according to Max.
Meghan M. says “The landscaping will be good because they are already half way and so far so good.” She also says “No problems have seemed to occur and that they are going at good pace.”

Nathan S And Scott R.

The 2009 Bloggers

At St Joseph's we have introduced a bloggers group for 2009. There are 12 students from Years 6 to 8 who will be researching, interviewing and writing stories to keep you informed. Keep an eye out for their reports.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Year 7 and 8 Technology

For four days over the last two weeks the Year 7 and 8 students have been attending technology classes. They have been making a variety of products in Fabric technology, Art, Electronics and Materials Technology. They have returned to school with musical sounds, comfy cushions, awesome books and a lot of enthusiasm

Junior Liturgy

Last Wednesday the students in the Junior school at St Joseph's held their special liturgy looking at and celebrating the different cultures that make up our school community. They offered gifts from the cultures and sang about the importance of us all being friends. It was a special occasion to be a part of.
At the end of their liturgy the children shared a meal where they sampled foods from many different cultures including Mexico, China, Japan, and many others. Thank you to all the parents who joined the celebration and helped with preparations.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

St Dominics Day Celebrated

On Friday 8th August the pupils of St Joseph's celebrated St Dominics Day during our Friday assembly. Sister Madeline, who is a Dominican nun spoke to us about St Dominic and our Dominican choir performed. As St Joseph's school was started by the Dominican Order it is important that we celebrate this special day.